Justin Jones, Author

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About the Author

Discover the incredible imagination of Author Justin Jones

With a passion for storytelling, Justin creates unforgettable characters and gripping narratives

Featured Books

The Devil's Smoke House

The Devil’s Smoke House

An unvarnished story of the ravages
of rural poverty, coming of age in the 1960’s and an unsparing look at siblings managing to
triumph against crushing odds.

The Perils of Ms. Apple

During the 1921 race massacre in Tulsa, Oklahoma, violence tears the city apart. One woman, Apple Lewis, is caught in the carnage. She barely escapes with her life, but luckily, two mysterious men rescue her. They whisk her away from the bloodshed and give her another chance at a mystical life she never could have imagined.

Tales of the Caseload

A colorful set of short stories about the trial and tribulations of probation and parole officers and their clients.

Justin Jones, Author